
Linux Interview Questions: Best Blog Sites

Interview is a very scary thing for some people. This is done at the beginning of the meeting when the client comes first. The aim is to clarify the clinician's understanding of client issues in an effort to plan the provision of further treatment. This interview is designed to facilitate understanding of her clients so that they can influence the willingness to change, either feeling or behavior.
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So before you do the interview you should prepare yourself first. If one day you will do a job interview or anything else related to IT, to more specifically about Linux. You should prepare yourself first, by studying the "Linux Interview Questions". But where you can get lessons on linux? Do not worry, because it has many sites that provide lessons about Linux Interview Questions.

Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed: Email Application

A good browser is one important tool for Internet users. When we will access a certain website we are using a browser. Have you ever click on an email hyperlink in a browser on a your computer / laptop (like IE7) and it would appear error message "Could not perform this operation because the default email client is not properly installed"? This message appears when you will make the default mail client on web page links, etc.. Then I'll try to explain how to handle it based on the experience I've ever experienced.
default mail client is not properly installed, default mail client not properly installed, Email Application, windows 7 mail, windows 7 mail client
If in the your computer / laptop "default email client is not installed", then it may cause some unwanted problems. Well let's start to fix it, the initial step to improve the "default email client is not installed" Configuring the Default Mail Application. In this case if you use Internet Explorer browser on a your computer / laptop, then follow the steps below:

ATI Catalyst Install Manager

You must have been long familiar with the computer / laptop and the like. Using a computer / laptop for work, play, browse, etc it has become a habit. But if you already know the meaning of the ATI Catalyst Install Manager? If you do not know, I'll give a little explanation. ATI Catalyst Install Manager can be interpreted as a control program that has a high-level functions are typically used in the ATI Video Card on a computer / laptop. It was developed by ATI Technologies, Inc. and these applications are already used by many people in the world, which is more than sixty one thousand users.
ATI Catalyst Install Manager: Review, ATI Catalyst Install Manager
Okay for the next, if you have upgraded the video drivers for your laptop/ computer some time ago, the display control panel may have been installed properly on your computer/ laptop. And if you already know the administrator password for the computer/ laptop, you can log on to act as a an administrator and you should be able to make a change for the better on the computer/ laptop.

No Audio Output Device Is Installed: Repair It

Do you need to do if your computer is having problems "no audio output device is installed"? Do not worry, let's fix itself. I too have experienced it, first time I was puzzled to find references everywhere and finally I decided to fix it alone. Try to follow these steps, which I found in one of the computer help center and has been successful for me. 
No Audio Output Device Is Installed, No Audio Output Device Installed, No Audio, Repair It
Here are the steps I use:
  • First open the device manager, you can access it by right-clicking My Computer> Properties> Device Manager. Or by clicking start, on the search box write the word "Device Manager" and then click Enter. 

Linux Mint Vs Ubuntu: Linux Distro

Linux is experiencing a great development, many linux distros which emerge and grow. Two of the many distributions, The Linux Mint Vs Ubuntu have become the public spotlight. The two distros were constructed with the same code base. Basically, Ubuntu is built on Debian-based but Linux Mint is built on Ubuntu-based.
Linux Mint Vs Ubuntu: Linux Distro, Linux Mint Vs Ubuntu
Linux Mint was released couple of years ago. At the first level of separation Ubuntu with Linux Mint is very small. There are some who think that the first release of Linux Mint as a "re-branding" of the desktop version of Ubuntu using a slightly different theme. But now, Linux Mint has a difference with Ubuntu and a lot of people do not know it.