Current Version Plugin Windows Presentation Foundation

WPF plugin or often called the Windows Presentation Foundation plugin, it appears along with Windows Update. If you update the Windows on your computer then this plugin will also be installed on Firefox. The current version plugin Windows Presentation Foundation is version 4.
Current Version Plugin Windows Presentation Foundation
This plugin does not grow too long because in fact Mozilla has blocked him after it was released. This is due to the various problems of the vulnerabilities are considered very detrimental. Mozilla suggest to turn off windows presentation foundation and the .Net Framework Assistant 1.1 from Microsoft.

This blocking to prevent the danger of security that comes from a bug in both the component. Lately after the topics make improvements to security. He revealed that the Windows Presentation Foundation plugin and .Net Framework Assistant has been removed from the block list. To fix the security problem you can download the patch MS09-054. Users will get an add-on that is active and can use it again.

Windows Presentation Foundation plugin is matched with a certain multimedia features that can be used to view a variety of multimedia files through your Web browser. WPF plugin  also allows the XBAP as an alternative to Microsoft for Java Framework.

This means that starting from now we have to be careful if you want to download or add something in your browser.

The following is a way to disable the Windows Presentation Foundation plugin:
- Open the Tools menu on your browser and then select Add-ons.
- After the new window appears, select the plugins panel.
- Then select the item Windows Presentation Foundation and then click Disable.
- Finished and don't forget to restart your Firefox.

The following is a way to enable the Windows Presentation Foundation plugin:
- First check and make sure you have installed the patch MS09-054 on your computer.
- Please restart your Firefox browser.
- Open the Tools menu on your Firefox and then select Add-ons.
- After the new window appears select the plugins panel.
- Then select the item Windows Presentation Foundation and then click Enable.
- Finished and don't forget to restart your Firefox again.

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